Hillarys Herbal Dispensary

Dive Into Health and Healing

Your symptoms are not ‘all in your head.’

As naturopaths, we take a holistic approach to discover what is happening for you at all levels: emotional, mental and physical.

Using functional testing we identify your unique health needs. We then tailor your treatment with herbal liquids, tablets and nutritional supplements to direct the best course of action for your healing.


Your blood tests are normal, what now?

We offer functional medicine testing as a fresh perspective to what may have been overlooked in standard pathology. Using other bodily samples such a hair, saliva, urine or stools, we have laboratories analyse your chemistry and flora to ascertain where imbalance may be occurring.

What is functional medicine and why is it different?

Functional medicine takes a holistic approach to identify and address issues with chemistry, toxicity and other imbalances that may be results of accumulation or may be inherited weaknesses.

Emotional energy is like a bank account in that it can be topped up by people who give you energy.
April 24, 2024
Imagine this: Instead of having $100 a day to spend in money, that you had 100 units of emotional energy to spend per day. On whom would you spend these units on? Emotional energy is like a bank account in that it can be topped up by people who give you energy. Do you see a need for a ‘budget overhaul’?
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We offer four tiers of care


Quick relief of symptoms and signs of ill health


Supporting your lifestyle and/or environmental factors that might affect your health


Correcting the underlying causative factors of ill health


Learning and understanding a way to live that promotes optimal health long term

Hi, I'm Bridget

When it comes to health, life is busy and often people ignore the small symptoms until the big symptoms appear.

I have a passion for working with patients to help them mind-map their health challenges and integrate life experiences with their health


I love working at biochemical level to help you understand your body better and discover the origin of your symptoms.

Using functional testing, my mission is to help you find answers and solutions for treatments that support vitality and balance.

At HIllarys herbal dispensary, we use a range of advanced functional medicine testing methods to gain deeper insights into your health:

HTMA – The test to do when you want answers


Hair tissue mineral analysis is a valuable screening tool that assesses nutritional stores that support healthy body responses. Imbalances manifest in physical, mental and emotional patterns and responses.

It’s the ideal test when you’ve had all your standard work ups done with nothing to see.

  • Uncovers potential mineral deficiencies or imbalances that may be affecting your energy levels, hormone function, and overall health.
  • Detects toxic heavy metals that can contribute to various health problems.
  • Provides a comprehensive picture of your body's chemistry over the past 3 months – a unique snapshot not captured in standard blood tests.

You will never have a ‘normal’ result on a hair test, it will be unique to you and your treatment will be customised and specific to correct imbalances.


Microbiome Mapping – Exploring terrain theory


Our gut flora weighs more than our brain. If our gut has a direct line to the brain we might wonder who is ‘driving the bus.’

Microbiome mapping sorts out the who’s who in the room of gut flora. Knowing who is in the house can have a profound effect not only many digestive issues but our brain chemistry as well.

Microbiome mapping can indicate the need evicting unwanted guests and restorative treatments


Iridology – Like ancestry for your health     

This is a most interesting study of markings in the iris of your eye. Iridology speaks about your inherited physical makeup, emotional patterns and world view.

It can be a crystal ball into your future health  - where your challenges will likely appear.

All body tissues, organs, and systems are represented here. There is so much to be seen with iridology that it needs to broken up in a menu!


Saliva, urine and stool testing – where moods, sleep, energy and hormones show their hand

Hormones are produced by endocrine glands, neurotransmitters are produced by the nervous system. Neurotransmitters exert their effects on mood disorders, hormones, sleep, blood sugar balance, pain perception, appetite and cognition.

Quantities of both can be detected in saliva and urine respectively.

  • Saliva testing offers a convenient and non-invasive way to assess hormone levels and stress markers.
  • Urine Testing provides valuable insights into hormone levels and adrenal function.

Stool testing also sheds light on gut health issues that can have a significant impact on your overall well-being and hormone balance.

It identifies gut imbalances that may be contributing to digestive problems, bloating, or even autoimmune conditions.

What  People  Say  About  Us

Recalibrate your health!

We can help you by listening and asking questions about you and your life, guide you to the most appropriate testing options, help you to understand your test results and develop a supportive model of health for optimal wellbeing and vitality.


Book your naturopathic consultation by phone or email

We’d love to hear from you. Send us a message using the form below or give Bridget a call to book an appointment.

Contact Us

*Your data is safe with us. We only collect your information to be able to provide our services.

Hillarys Herbal Dispensary

Shop 47, Hillarys Boat Harbour

86 Southside Drive

Sorrento Quay 6025

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