
Dive Into Health and Healing Blog

Emotional energy is like a bank account in that it can be topped up by people who give you energy.
April 24, 2024
Imagine this: Instead of having $100 a day to spend in money, that you had 100 units of emotional energy to spend per day. On whom would you spend these units on? Emotional energy is like a bank account in that it can be topped up by people who give you energy. Do you see a need for a ‘budget overhaul’?
There is some stigma about herbal medicine being 'witchy'.
April 24, 2024
There is some stigma about herbal medicine being 'witchy'. While sorcery is very real, it has nothing to do with herbal medicine. Sorcery is about evil intention and herbal medicine is about healing intention.
Minerals Can Be Your Medicine
April 24, 2024
Minerals are the basis for our health. Our chemistry comes from minerals. If you are having symptoms but your bloods are 'fine' then this is what you need to do next: book in for a hair analysis to see what is really going on with your chemistry.
Why  Do We Need Potassium?
April 23, 2024
Low potassium is something I see in men, women and children's hair analyses - often in conjunction with high barium. Without adequate levels of potassium we may feel fatigued, weak and constipated. In hair analysis low potassium equates to low thyroid function.
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